40mm, 250mm lens wanted for 500c/m

Submitted by michele on Tue, 07/14/2009 - 10:59


I've just registered and managed to purchase a second hand 500c/m Hasselblad with a number of lens (50, 80 and 120) but on a recent trip to Scotland with a professional I was able to borrow his 40mm and 250mm lens and would really like to expand my range, so if anyone has one to sell or knows of a good shop in the uk can you please let me know (sorry but please don't suggest ebay)



I could offer you a C T* 5,6/250mm or C T* 5,6/120mmHasselblad lens in good condition. Interested?

I would be interested in the 250mm as I already have a 120.  Please email me at michelle [at] mcuconsultants.co.uk and let me know how much

